«Shkirgalant» has more than a
half of a century history. The beginning of it
was in 1948, when the factory of sewing mattresses
and jerseys was founded in Vinnitsa. In those
times the enterprise hadn't a single production
basis, but had only several workshops separated
around the town. But the enterprise was growing
rapidly widening its assortment. Its first haberdashery
goods were suitcases.
By 1960 the population of
the country began to live better and people wanted
qualitative clothes and leather-haberdashery accessories.
The management of this field made the decision
to open gloves production in Vinnitsa. The first
workshop of sewing began its work in the building
of today's administrative centre of «Shkirgalant».
The separated workshops began to work «under one
roof» after that.
In 1978 the producing power
was 3000000 pairs of gloves per year. It happened
after the modernization of production basis. The
enterprise was of the All-Union meaning.
This was the biggest enterprise
in the former Soviet Union that supplied the whole
civil population of the country and also military
and industrial complex. In the USSR the gloves
were made by smaller enterprises only in Grodno
and Torshzka with the exception to Vinnitsa.
In those times producers
of gloves didn't have such a wide choice of natural
leather materials a it is today, that's why 40%
0f produced gloves were made of leather substitutes.
The rest of production was made from swine skin
of «Vasilkov leather plant» This leather was of
a bad quality. It wasn't so soft and elastic and
it didn't have a good trade appearance. The gloves
of a better quality were made from the goat leather
from India.
When the USSR collapsed «Shkirgalant»
had difficult times. The markets of sale disappeared
and traditional suppliers of materials were closed.
A single supplier of leather was «Voznesensk leather
plant», but its leather left much to be desired
and wasn't good for gloves. The production from
this material had a low competition.
At the beginning of the 90-s
the enterprise was widely cut and only 30 people
worked here and made only 10000 pairs of gloves
per year.
But «Shkirgalant»
has made its way through all the difficulties
of rebuilding to the market relations, found new
suppliers of the materials, new forms of sale
and new markets.
Today it has leader positions
in former and new markets and it attracts the
hearts of the users by the beauty and quality
of its production!